Downloading ravynOS ISOs
Mirror List

ISO Mirror List

Unstable nightly builds are available from our mirror locations.

Mirroring ravynOS

If you wish to mirror ravynOS, send us a message and we will help you get setup and added to our official mirror list. We recommend syncing from our primary mirror sites at-least once every 24 hours as we do nightly builds. We recommend at-least 100 gigabytes of storage space to dedicate to the project and a connection speed of at-least 100 megabit/s.

The following script can be used for your initial sync from our primary mirror sites please choose the site closet to you connection wise.

rsync -avz --delete --safe-links rsync:// <target>
rsync -avz --delete --safe-links rsync:// <target>

Thank you to our mirror sponsors for providing space and bandwidth for our project!